Free Estimates (423) 375-0009

Leaf Removal Lamar TN 37659

Tru Edge Lawn Care
Locally Owned Company

Free Estimates (423) 375-0009

Leaf Removal & Lawn Clean Up Lamar TNTruEdge Lawn Care

TruEdge Lawn Care Leaf Removal & Lawn Clean up is a premier leaf removal and lawn clean up company servicing the Lamar TN area. We have been in business for many years and have a proven track record of success. We are known for our high-quality work, our commitment to customer service, and our competitive prices.

We offer a wide range of leaf removal and lawn clean up services, including:

  • Leaf removal
  • Lawn Clean Up
  • Fall Clean Up
  • Spring Clean Up
  • And more!

Why Choose TruEdge Lawn Care for Leaf Removal & Lawn Clean up?

There are many reasons why you should choose TruEdge Lawn Care Leaf Removal & Lawn Clean up for your leaf removal and lawn clean up needs. Here are just a few:

  • We are licensed and insured.
  • We have a team of experienced and qualified professionals.
  • We use the latest equipment and techniques.
  • We are committed to customer satisfaction.

If you are looking for Leaf Removal Services in Lamar TN, please don’t hesitate to contact TruEdge Lawn Care at (423) 375-0009. We would be happy to answer any questions you have and to provide you with a free estimate. We are confident that you will be happy with our services. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you with your Leaf Removal & Lawn Clean Up project.

Lamar is a town in Benton County, Tennessee, United States. The population was 2,083 at the 2020 census. It is located about 10 miles east of Camden and is part of the Jackson, TN Metropolitan Statistical Area.

Race and ethnicity

The racial and ethnic makeup of Lamar, Tennessee is as follows:

  • White: 92.8%
  • Black or African American: 3.6%
  • Hispanic or Latino: 2.5%
  • Two or more races: 1.1%

Lamar is a predominantly white community, but the racial and ethnic composition of the population is becoming more diverse. The second-largest racial or ethnic group in Lamar is Black or African American, followed by Hispanic or Latino.


The median age in Lamar, Tennessee is 44.7 years old. The age distribution is as follows:

  • Under 18: 19.2%
  • 18-64: 57.9%
  • 65 and over: 22.9%

Lamar has an aging population. The median age in Lamar is higher than the median age for Tennessee as a whole (38.5 years old). Additionally, the percentage of residents aged 65 and over in Lamar (22.9%) is higher than the percentage of residents aged 65 and over in Tennessee as a whole (17.4%).


The gender distribution in Lamar, Tennessee is as follows:

  • Male: 47.2%
  • Female: 52.8%

Lamar has a slightly higher percentage of female residents than male residents.


The educational attainment of Lamar, Tennessee residents is slightly lower than the average for Tennessee as a whole. According to the 2020 Census, 85% of Lamar residents have a high school diploma or equivalent, compared to 87% of Tennessee residents overall. 22% of Lamar residents have a bachelor’s degree or higher, compared to 25% of Tennessee residents overall.

Lamar has a lower percentage of residents with a bachelor’s degree or higher than Tennessee as a whole. This could be due to the fact that Lamar is a smaller town with fewer educational opportunities.

Income and employment

The median household income in Lamar, Tennessee is $42,066. The most common occupations in Lamar are manufacturing, construction, and retail.

Lamar has a lower median household income than Tennessee as a whole ( $55,000). This could be due to the fact that Lamar is a smaller town with fewer job opportunities and a lower cost of living.


The median home value in Lamar, Tennessee is $200,000. The majority of housing in Lamar is single-family homes.

Lamar has a lower median home value than Tennessee as a whole ( $250,000). This could be due to the fact that Lamar is a smaller town with a lower cost of living.


The most common mode of transportation in Lamar is the personal vehicle. There is public transportation available in Lamar, but it is not as extensive as in other major cities.

Lamar is a small town, so it is possible to get around without a car. However, public transportation is limited, so it may be difficult to get to some areas of the town without a car.


The crime rate in Lamar, Tennessee is relatively low. According to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Statistics, there were 217 violent crimes reported in Lamar in 2021.

Lamar has a lower crime rate than Tennessee as a whole. The crime rate in Lamar is also lower than the crime rate in other towns of similar size.


The demographics of Lamar, Tennessee are changing slowly over time. The population is aging, and the educational attainment and income levels of residents are rising. The racial and ethnic composition of the population is also becoming more diverse.


One of the biggest challenges facing Lamar, Tennessee is its aging population. The median age in Lamar is increasing, and the number of younger residents is decreasing. This could lead to a decline in the workforce and a shortage of essential services.

Another challenge facing Lamar, Tennessee is its lack of public transportation. This makes it difficult for residents who do not have a car to get around. This could be a barrier to employment and education opportunities for residents who do not have a car.

Lamar also faces some economic challenges. The median household income in Lamar is lower than the average for Tennessee as a whole. Additionally, the unemployment rate in Lamar is slightly higher than the state average.

Free Estimates (423) 375-0009

Leaf Removal, Leaf Clean Up, Spring Clean Up, Fall Clean Up
Leaf Removal Lamar TN 37659
Leaf Removal, Leaf Removal service, Fall Clean Up, Spring Clean Up,
Lawn Clean Up Lamar TN 37659
Leaf Removal, Leaf Removal service, Fall Clean Up, Spring Clean Up,
Leaf Clean Up Lamar TN 37659
Leaf Removal, Leaf Removal service, Fall Clean Up, Spring Clean Up,
Spring Clean Up Lamar TN 37659
Leaf Removal, Leaf Removal service, Fall Clean Up, Spring Clean Up,
Fall Clean Up Lamar TN 37659
Leaf Removal, Leaf Removal service, Fall Clean Up, Spring Clean Up,
Leaf Blowing Lamar TN 37659

Free Estimates (423) 375-0009

Free Estimates (423) 375-0009